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Books-A-Million implements Checkpoint’s RF EAS solution to reduce shrink


Philadelphia -- Checkpoint Systems, a leading global supplier of shrink management, merchandise visibility and apparel labeling solutions for the retail industry, announced that it is partnering with Books-A-Million to improve the retailer’s loss prevention program and enhance its customers’ shopping experiences through its electronic article surveillance (EAS) solution.

“Our mix of legacy loss prevention systems wasn’t well suited for books and didn’t enable us to utilize source tagging for greater efficiencies and a better customer experience,” said Chad Tice, VP loss prevention at Books-A-Million, which operates 230 stores nationwide. “We made a capital investment with Checkpoint because it provided a superior plug and play solution, has a national footprint and offers dedicated in-house experts who provide quality implementation results on a consistent basis. In fact, we’ve already seen an immediate impact by generating merchandise recoveries and expect a positive impact on shrink.”

Checkpoint's antennas are advanced EAS solutions for retailers that want a reliable RF-based (radio frequency) system. By combining RF technology with ECO electronics (offering reduced energy consumption), robust communications and remote alarm data-capture capabilities, these antennas maximize loss-prevention effectiveness in any store environment. In addition, by reducing losses, retailers also provide customers with a better shopping experience, because the products they seek are more often on shelves.

Checkpoint is currently implementing its EAS antennas in about 90 Books-A-Million stores (including 40 newly opened stores) and will begin a second phase in an additional 50 stores in first quarter 2012.

“We are excited to partner with Books-A-Million and we are delighted that it has already begun realizing immediate benefits in shrink reduction,” said Farrokh Abadi, president shrink management solutions, Checkpoint Systems. “In addition, we admire Books-A-Million’s forward-looking strategy of source tagging, which can now be deployed to reduce tagging costs and provide a less intrusive protection method – and better shopping experience for its valued customers.”

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