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Working together to win more lawsuits


Target, Walmart and other leading retailers have joined forces on a new Retail Litigation Center created by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA). Plans call for the new group to identify and meaningfully engage in legal proceedings affecting the retail industry.

“With guidance from the RLC’s board of directors and participation from diverse representatives of the retail community, the Center will focus on producing better outcomes in litigation affecting the retail industry,” said RILA president Sandy Kennedy.


Board members include Timothy Baer, EVP and general counsel with Target; Samuel Reeves, Walmart SVP and general counsel; David Goldston, SVP, general counsel and secretary for Jo-Ann Stores; Susan Lanigan, EVP and general counsel for Dollar General; and Michael Veitenheimer, SVP, secretary and general counsel with Michaels Stores. The group is chaired by Janet Dhillon, EVP, general counsel and secretary with JCPenney.

The RLC will participate in both state and federal cases, principally at the appellate level, giving the retail industry an opportunity to weigh in on important legal issues and highlight for courts the importance and potential industry-wide consequences of the legal issues before them. An inaugural conference is scheduled for Nov. 8 to 10 in Clearwater, Fla.

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