Whole Foods’ rapid solar rollout
Whole Foods Market is saving money and time — and benefiting the environment—by taking an innovative approach to going solar.
That’s according to an analysis by the Retail Industry Leaders Association and The Solar Foundation that found Whole Foods’ strategy of taking a standardized approach to rapid rollout of solar rooftop installations across multiple locations could be a valuable model for other retailers to consider.
Whole Foods plans to retrofit approximately 100 facilities with rooftop solar by 2017 — this is on top of the 40 solar installations it completed by the end of 2015. The RILA report, “Whole Foods Market — Making the Case for Rapid Solar Roll-outs,” details how the retailer is meeting its goal.
Whole Foods’ innovative approach to staying on track includes putting in standardized language in its solar leases, which paved the way for future solar development, a process it started toward the end of the last decade.
In another move earlier this year, the grocer selected two firms, NRG and SolarCity, to develop its new rooftop solar systems. By working with only a small number of system providers, Whole Foods was able to benefit from better terms, volume pricing and consistent, field-tested hardware.
In the report, Whole Foods gives the following recommendations for retailers interested in rolling out solar rooftop installations:
Start as early as possible to assess lease language and terms, establish solar-enabling language in new leases and renewals, and talk with landlords to gauge their interest in solar.
Understand the building stock. Obtain structural and electrical plans, roof membrane warranties, and determine the expected life of the roof.
Consider a limited vendor, multi-location approach to achieve economies of scale.
“Whole Foods Market was able to find sensible solutions to many common challenges retailers face when implementing solar and ultimately created a smart pathway for expansion,” said Erin Hiatt, senior manager of sustainability and compliance at RILA.