What’s Hot: It’S All Good in the Hoodie
When it comes to dressing kids, the juxtaposition between fashion and function couldn’t be more important. The apparel must fit the on-the-go lifestyle that’s filled with all sorts of acrobatics and appeal to the tastes of the youthful crowd.
The hoodie caters to both needs with perfection. A stable item for boys and girls, the new styles of hoodies go beyond the typical sweatshirt. Brands like Levi’s (pictured) and Dickies have rolled out new collections that add flair with embroidery, appliqué, thermal lining and details in pockets and collars. Designers found no limit in rolling out hundreds of styles that will appeal to the pickiest kid on the block.
Thanks to its year-round appeal, the hoodie can carry over from season to season, growing especially popular for the back-to-school season.
Boys’ styles feature the use of plaid in the details, like in the lining of the hood or as a base for cut-out logos. Girls prefer more delicate embroidery and silver-foiled prints on the fabric.