What’s Hot: Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite
Okay, maybe hot is the wrong term. Let’s just say they’re topical.
News reports have raised consciousness of the pests, particularly because of infestations at posh hotels in places like London and New York generated by international travelers who inadvertently carry in personal livestock.
The domestics vendor London Luxury is fighting back. It has developed the Premium Bed Bug Barrier collection as part of its Allergy Luxe line. The Bed Bug Barrier collection includes mattress and pillow protectors with impermeable fabric, reinforced seams and zippers that keep pests from squeezing through. Prices range from $19.99 to $119.99.
Already, London Luxury executives said they are planning a second generation of products as they expect both success from, and knock-offs of, the product line. However, they said they don’t plan on producing a cheaper product, but a more effective one that will hold the line of price.