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Wendy’s shines light on customer experience


Joining the ranks of progressive burger chains that are jumping on the experience bandwagon, Wendy’s has engaged Service Management Group to measure the customer experience in all of its North America and international restaurants.

Recently, SMG launched Wendy's CX program including a receipt-based survey with built-in text analytics to identify themes for operational success. To further deliver a customer-centric culture, Wendy's uses the Salesforce Service Cloud to pass Customer Care data to SMG for alerting and reporting. Wendy's is also using SMG's mobile reporting app to make data available and actionable for the organization and restaurant locations 24/7.

Additionally, Wendy's is using SMG's BrandGeek market intelligence tool for consumer feedback, behavioral data and branded competitive intelligence.

Then, effective in June, Wendy's retained SMG for employee engagement measurement.

“At Wendy's we work diligently to delight every customer,” said Wendy's VP of customer experience Frank Leary. “SMG is providing the technology and insight to help make that happen."

SMG data will be used to measure elements of the customer experience, understand key drivers of customer satisfaction and guide the organization on areas for focus.

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