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Weather outlook bodes well for Easter sales


Businesses throughout North America can expect above normal temperatures in most markets over the Easter weekend (March 25-27), according to Planalytics.

The strongest warmth compared to normal will be along the West Coast and from the Plains to the East Coast. The Ohio Valley, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast regions can expect intermittent showers leading up to the Easter holiday.

The Easter holiday is a key milestone on the retail calendar each year as it drives significant consumer purchasing, according to the National Retail Federation’s annual Easter Spending Survey, which predicts a 5.5% increase in spending over last year.

The average shopper is expected to spend over $146 on Easter this year, for a record total spend of $17.3 billion.

According to the survey, 58.4% of consumers will head to discount stores, 41.4% will go to department stores and 24.7% will shop at local small businesses. And 21.4% will shop online.

The NRF expects the largest spend this year to be on food, followed by spring apparel. Gifts, holiday candy, and flowers will also be a large focus for consumers this Easter.

The NRF survey was conducted by Prosper Insights and Analytics.

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