Walmart lawyer wants to talk
Walmart’s seemingly endless Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation and mounting expenses drew the attention of the New York Times again this week which explored arcane legal issues that have muzzled a former Walmart lawyer.
In a piece title, “Keeping corporate lawyers silent can shelter wrongdoing,” the Times asked readers the rhetorical question whether they had heard of Maritza I Munich. The newspaper which first detailed Walmart’s FCPA investigation more than two and a half years ago, contends Munich is a central figure in Walmart’s unfolding bribery scandal.
“Ms. Munich was a Walmart lawyer who advocated an aggressive response to investigating the scandal but has been silenced by Walmart, which has invoked the attorney-client privilege to keep her from speaking,” according to the Times. “It’s yet another example of how companies use the attorney-client privilege to shelter potential wrongdoing, perhaps to the detriment of many people, including shareholders.”
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