Verizon Wireless: More consumers will shop Cyber Monday than Black Friday
New York — More consumers (40%) say they plan to shop on Cyber Monday than Black Friday (36%). According to a new survey of 1,000 consumers from Verizon Wireless and KRC Research, people in the West (39%) are most likely to go shopping on Cyber Monday compared to other regions (33% Northeast, 36% South, 36% Midwest).
Compared to other age groups, Millennials (ages 18-34) are the biggest Cyber Monday shoppers (42%). However, Millennials prefer Black Friday (44%) slightly over Cyber Monday (42%). Those between 35 and 54 prefer Cyber Monday (41%) significantly over Black Friday (33%). About six in 10 (59%) consumers have used a smartphone to make Black Friday shopping easier. The vast majority of these consumers also shop on Cyber Monday (71%).
Those in the West (67%) are significantly more likely to use their smartphones for Black Friday shopping help compared to other regions; nearly half of all Midwesterners (45%) and Northeasterners (44%) do not use them.
The survey also shows there is a high demand for Black Friday apps that would make shopping easier, with 80% of respondents saying knowing where to get the best Black Friday deals would make their shopping experience easier. Another 78% say that they would benefit from knowing which stores have the shortest lines, while 79% say they would like to know how many of the hottest deals are left at each store.cMore than a third of Millennials (35%) say they download holiday-specific apps.
As to how they will purchase, 65% expressed that they will do so in-store, while 51% said online. Eighty-eight percent of the respondents who identified they will be shopping online this holiday season will do so from home.