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Verizon: Data breaches are more complex, pervasive and damaging


As data breaches become more complex, they leave a lingering, if not lasting imprint on an enterprise.

While there are many factors that play a significant role in data breaches and cybersecurity incidents, the human element remains the top source contributing to cybercrimes, according to the “2017 Data Breach Digest,” from Verizon.

The report details 16 common breach scenarios, each told from the perspective of the various stakeholders involved, such as corporate communications, legal counsel, or the human resources professional.

"Data breaches are growing in complexity and sophistication," said Bryan Sartin, executive director, the RISK Team, Verizon Enterprise Solutions. "In working with victim organizations, we find that breaches touch every part of an organization up to and including its board of directors. Companies need to be prepared to handle data breaches before they actually happen in order to recover as quickly as possible. Otherwise, breaches can lead to enterprise-wide damage that can have devastating and long-lasting consequences such as a loss of customer confidence or a drop in stock price."

Just as important as identifying the key culprits of a breach are how organizations respond following an attack. The report points to five actions an organization should take in the aftermath of a breach:

• Preserve evidence; consider consequences of every action taken

• Be flexible; adapt to evolving situations

• Establish consistent methods for communication

• Know your limitations; collaborate with other key stakeholders

• Document actions and findings; be prepared to explain them.
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