Updated Standard Has More Stringent Lighting Controls
The U.S. Department of Energy has named the ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013 energy standard as the new national energy reference standard, superseding the 2010 version in effect until then.
Within two years, all states must put into effect a commercial building energy code at least as stringent as the 2013 version of 90.1, or justify why they cannot comply.
The updated standard pays particular attention to lighting controls, with more stringent requirements, including*:
• Occupancy sensors must be set to turn the lights off within 20 minutes (instead of 30 minutes) after a space is vacated.
• Automatic independent control is now required in secondary sidelighted daylight zones (covering additional luminaires farther from the windows) rather than just incentivized with a control credit.
• Daylight harvesting step-dimming control now requires two control points between off and full-on — one dim level between 50% to 70% of design power and one between 20% to 40% — to provide greater flexibility.
• A second automatic lighting shutoff option is required for certain occupancy sensor installations — partial-off to 50% of design power within 20 minutes of the space being vacated — spaces where the lights are periodically not needed but must remain ON.
• More detailed functional testing requirements are imposed.
• The primary change in ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013 is a new table (Table 9.6.1) format for determining LPD allowances using the space by space method and minimum mandatory control requirements using either the space by space method or building area method.
• A new table format is being used for determining lighting power and control requirements in individual spaces.
Source: “ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013 Decoded,” Craig DiLouie, LC, Lighting Controls Association