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Trump to tap fast-food exec as labor secretary


President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants, as labor secretary.

Puzder, whose company operates the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s burger retail chains, has argued against raising the minimum wage to more than $9 per hour. He also has been an advocate of cutting back or eliminating regulations he claims have been a detriment to the restaurant industry and has been critical of the Affordable Care Act.

A free-market advocate, Puzder, an adviser and contributor to Trump, is expected to recommend an overhaul of the tax system, reported the Wall Street Journal.

The National Retail Federation said it supported the selection of Puzder.

“Andrew Puzder is someone with the real-world experience to understand workforce issues and how jobs are created,” said NRF senior VP for government relations David French. “Mr. Puzder has been an ally in our efforts to emphasize the dynamic careers available in the retail and restaurant industries, and he would bring to the job his experience in balancing the needs of all stakeholders in the American workforce.”

The International Franchise Association lauded Trump’s decision.

“Andy would be an exceptional choice to lead the Labor Department and we applaud President-elect Trump for recognizing Andy’s business experience and policy acumen on so many issues impacting employers and employees in today’s economy,” the organization wrote in on its website.
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