Toys"R"Us takes lemonade stand fundraising to new level
Toys“R”Us has collected a sizable amount of money for a cause near and dear to the hearts of toy-loving kids and parents worldwide -- mostly thanks to an innovative social media campaign.
The retailer says it raised $2.2 million during its fifth annual nationwide fundraising and awareness campaign benefiting Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for pediatric cancer.
Throughout the program, Toys“R”Us encouraged social media users to show support for the cause and for Alexandra “Alex” Scott, the inspiration behind ALSF, by joining the conversation online using #Stir4ACure. Families across the U.S. joined the social media movement, sharing who or what they stir for.
“Toys“R”Us has been a fantastic partner for the last five years and we are continuously amazed by the commitment their customers and employees demonstrate in carrying out Alex’s mission to find a cure for all kids with cancer,” said Liz Scott, Co-Executive Director of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and mother of Alex Scott. “We are so thankful to those who have helped ‘stir’ for a cure, whether it be through monetary contributions, hosting lemonade stands or raising awareness through social media. Each cup and act of kindness has enabled us to impact the lives of children and families fighting cancer in the U.S.”
Diagnosed just before her first birthday, Alex Scott began hosting lemonade stands at the age of four to help kids like her who were affected by pediatric cancer. Before she died in 2004, Alex raised $1 million through stands hosted in her name. Inspired by Alex’s determination, her parents, Liz and Jay Scott, established ALSF in 2005. Today, thousands of kids continue to host lemonade stands in Alex’s honor, “stirring” the most important ingredients of all into their lemonade – hope and support for the 263,000 new children affected by cancer worldwide each year. To date, Alex’s legacy has helped raise more than $100 million, showing that at any age, kids can make a lasting impression on their community and the world.
“Toys“R”Us is proud to continue Alex’s mission to help fight childhood cancer and to inspire families across the country to ‘Stir for a Cure’,” said Kathleen Waugh, Chairman, Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund. “Following this summer’s campaign, contributions from Toys“R”Us and the Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund, along with donations from customers, have totaled more than $10.5 million since the inception of our partnership in 2011. We are incredibly proud of the support shown by our customers and employees, and of the funds generated to help ALSF find a cure.”