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Toy industry loses long-time veteran


Sydney Rosen, former chairman of Rose Art Industries and a toy industry veteran, died on June 2 at the age of 94.

Rosen's career in the toy industry began when he went to work for his father's company, Rosebud Art, following a medical discharge from the army. Rosen's father Isidor was an artist and lithographer by trade, creating children’s toys and arts and craft sets, games and puzzles, and eventually Sydney and his brother Irving took over the business themselves as Isidor retired. Ultimately Rosen bought his brother’s share.

Over the years Rosen developed the Rosebud Art Company, which he renamed Rose Art Industries, from a small supplier of American flags and toys to a successful and enduring business, creating many of the Rose Art products himself.

After a fire in 1985 destroyed the Rose Art family, the Rosen family rebuilt the company inot thepreeminent manufacturer of toys and stationery including games and puzzles, which was eventually sold in 2005. At the peak sales were over $375 million and there were over 4000 employees worldwide.

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