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Survey: Smartphone-generated revenue up 97.6% in July


Pittsburgh -- Smartphone-generated revenue by consumers to retailer smartphone-optimized websites was up 97.6%, from July 2014 versus July 2013, according to Branding Brand, a mobile commerce platform.

The firm’s Mobile Commerce Index for July 2014 shows that smartphones generated 34.9% of total online visits (61.8% iOS, 37.4% Android) up 19.9% from July 2013. Meanwhile, the market share of non-mobile (desktop) visits decreased 13.7%, from July 2013 to July 2014.

"Our real time data shows decisively that smartphone activity in retail is surging, with the highest percentage of growth consistently in revenue," said Chris Mason, Branding Brand co-founder and CEO. "We expect to see the maximum impact of this record-breaking, year-over-year trend hit during the 2014 holiday season as consumers flock to fully-optimized mobile websites offering exclusive seasonal sales, customized vibrant imagery, and a no-stress shopping experience."

Issued monthly, the Mobile Commerce Index report identifies customer mobile commerce use and trends worldwide across a consistent sample of 26 major clients in various industries, including apparel, health and beauty, and home goods.

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