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Survey: Loyalty programs spark participation


Cincinnati A survey released Wednesday by Colloquy found that 32.3% of U.S. consumers consider their participation in retail rewards programs to be "more important" as they seek to stretch their household dollars in the recessionary economy.

Among key demographic groups, the significance attached to retail rewards programs during the recession is even more dramatic. Nearly 50% of young adults (46.4%) age 18-25 ranked retail reward programs significantly higher than the general population; 44.4% of women age 25-49 concurred.

"The retail category demonstrates the highest positive impact in rewards program attitudes," said Colloquy editorial director Rick Ferguson.

The survey also found that while participation by the general population in loyalty programs rose 19% since last measured prior to the recession in 2007, the increase for women over the past two years was significantly higher at 29%, with women trailing only young adults (32%) in that measurement.

Women, at 73.6%, reported by far the highest level of retail rewards program participation. That significantly outpaced the next closest segment, affluent, at 63.5%. The comparable number for the general population was 59%.

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