New York – Most consumers base their grocery purchase decisions on very basic information. According to new research from data analytics solution provider Precima, 80% of U.S. shoppers choose their primary grocery store based on everyday prices, with two-thirds (65%) stating that the everyday (regular/non-sale) prices of staple items such as milk and eggs most influence their price perception of a grocery retailer.
With seven in 10 Americans reporting they have shopped at their primary grocery store for more than five years, it’s become increasingly important that grocers secure a favorable price perception in the marketplace. When asked what most drove their price perception of a particular retailer, 65% of respondents reported that the everyday/regular prices of staple items was most important in driving price perception, followed by the average spend/bill each time they shop at the store (59%) and the products they shop for that have the lowest prices (58%).
In addition to the online consumer survey of 3,000-plus respondents, Precima completed in-person intercept surveys with 70 shoppers in Chicago who had just exited an EDLP, Hi-Lo or High-end grocer with a grocery purchase. When asked how many items in their basket they could remember the prices of, on average shoppers reported being able to name 12 items. However in reality, they could only accurately recall the prices of two items among everything they purchased.