New York - U.S. consumers are no more interested in paying for purchases using mobile phones than they were six months ago, when Apple unveiled Apple Pay. According to a new poll of 1,000 U.S. adults from, 17% of respondents said they would pay for items using a cellphone "always" or "most of the time" if they could.
When the same question was asked in September 2014, 13% of those answering responded similarly. Those answering "never" or "hardly ever" accounted for 64%, compared with 62% in the fall.
The indifference to mobile payments comes even as Apple, Google and other technology companies continue to push the technology.
The poll also found that:
• Men and women are equally enthusiastic about mobile payments. Sixteen percent of each gender group said they are interested in paying by phone always or most of the time.
• Interest in mobile payments is spread evenly through people of different income and education levels.
• Younger people tend to be more interested in paying by phone than older Americans. Of respondents ages 18 to 29, 24% said they wanted to pay by phone always or most of the time. That figure dropped in older age categories, bottoming out at 8% of respondents aged 65 and up.