Survey: Amazon tops with consumers
New York City, Barnes & Noble, Costco, Lowe's and the Apple Store ranked tops with consumers in a survey by the global strategy firm OC&C Strategy Consultants.
The study, the OC&C Proposition Strength Index (the "Index"), surveyed over 2,700 U.S. consumers in an effort to understand consumer sentiment toward 50 of the country's leading retailers. The survey rates how consumers view core elements of a retailer's value proposition -- such as Value for Money, Customer Service, Product Selection and Product Quality. ranked first in the Index overall and dominated most of the proposition dimensions rated by each consumer. The online retailer scored No. 1 in the following categories: Product Breadth, "Products That Are Suited To Me," Value for Money, and Trust. In all other categories relevant to non-fashion online retail, namely Price, Product Quality and Service, Amazon placed in the top three.
But while Amazon topped the overall survey, other retailers emerged stronger in specific areas. For example, the Apple Store placed first for Product Quality, Service and Store Look & Feel -- indicating that current customers recognize and appreciate Apple's unique approach to brick and mortar retailing. In terms of price perception, Dollar Tree ranked first in the category of Low Price, edging out the country's largest discount retailer, Walmart.
"The economy has had varying degrees of impact on the top performers in our survey," said Keri Aivazis, partner, OC&C Strategy Consultants. "Broadly speaking, the retailers at the top of our Index maintain a strong competitive position and are poised to reap the benefits as discretionary spending behaviors return.
A presentation containing a more detailed overview of the data and survey methodology is available by e-mailing [email protected].