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Study: Twitter top social brand on Black Friday


New York – Black Friday was a more social event than Cyber Monday, with 3.5 million tweets and 838 million impressions compared to 839,000 tweets and 309 million impressions. According to a study from StatSocial, women were more likely than men to socially comment on both events, accounting for 59% of

Black Friday comments and 63% of Cyber Monday comments.

The top social interest on both days was clothing and the top social brand on both days was Twitter. However, the second-ranked interest on Black Friday was country music, while saving money was ranked second on Cyber Monday. Saving money, alternative rock and pop music rounded out the top five social interests on Black Friday, while Cyber Monday social posters preferred fashion, country music and video games.

Top brands for Black Friday (after Twitter) were Instagram, YouTube, New York Times and Time-Warner. On Cyber Monday they were New York Times, Huffington Post, Google and Instagram. Fifty-four percent of Black Friday posters were between 18-34, compared to 44% of Cyber Monday posters.

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