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Study: Retailers boost holiday paid-search spending


San Francisco - Compared to the 2012 and 2013 peak shopping seasons, paid search spending began to rise nine days prior to Thanksgiving in 2014, four days earlier than the years prior. According to data from predictive marketing technology provider Kenshoo, not only has the shopping season been extended in 2014, but retailers are investing more budget into their paid search campaigns this year than ever before.

When compared to 2012, paid search spend increased 40%-plus on each day prior to Thanksgiving in 2014, with the largest increase generated four days prior to Thanksgiving (+73%). When looking at spend within Google Shopping campaigns thus far, retailers have invested more than two times more in Product Listing Ads (PLAs) in 2014 than 2013. Marketers have bumped up PLA spending 12 days prior to Thanksgiving in 2014, an upward trend Kenshoo expects to see continued as the key dates approach.
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