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Study: Many consumers accept mobile location-sharing


Portland, Ore. — Between 60 and 80% of mobile device users commonly allow mobile location-sharing, with an average location opt-in rate of 62%. According to a study from mobile relationship management software provider Urban Airship, 51% of mobile device users also opt into push notifications.

Opting into both location and push notifications are necessary in order to receive messages based on beacon proximity, current location or location history.

“Customers’ successes using location-targeting and our aggregate data analysis show that assumptions around consumers being reluctant to share location are false and massively short-sell mobile’s unique opportunity,” said Scott Kveton, CEO and co-founder, Urban Airship. “Users obviously value apps’ location-based functionality to earn the opt-in, just as the best apps do with push notifications by explaining its value and using it in personally relevant ways.”

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