Study: Four in 10 consumers take omnichannel shopping cart approach
Durham, N.C. – Consumers are increasingly taking an omnichannel approach to their online shopping carts. According to the research presented in Bronto Software and Deamdware’s recent “Consumers Tell All” study, 40% of online shoppers leave items in a shopping cart to view later, on a different device, or in a brick-and-mortar shop.
These rates are even higher among digital natives and Millennials. Yet only 15% of retailers are currently sending at least one product page abandonment email and just 5% of those are sending a series of two reminders.
Due to the deep integration of mobile devices into the shopping process, shoppers have more control over when and where they shop, prompting retailers to respond to consumers who expect a seamless experience between devices and channels.
For this study, more than 100 retailers were randomly selected from a set of more than 500 retailers.