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Study: Apple Pay usage soars with digital targeted POP messaging


Apple Pay may be transforming mobile payments, but digital targeted messages spur more shoppers’ willingness to pay with their devices.

This message was delivered in a study from USA Technologies. The report measured the impact of targeted digital advertising screens on consumers’ use of mobile wallets – primarily Apple Pay. The impact of 35 vending machines located in New York and Louisiana were measured over a six-month period, between March and August 2016.

After 24 weeks, the organization’s ePort Interactive platform, a device located at point-of-sale that features targeted, digital advertising highlighting the availability of Apple Pay, produced a 36.5% increase in overall sales, and a 44.6% increase in total transactions, the report said.

Participating retailers using the advertising devices experienced 6% increase in total contactless average ticket; and an 18% jump at week 20. They also saw a 55.5% increase in revenue through contactless purchases, including Apple Pay. This number jumped to 121% at week 20, the study said.

Meanwhile, the targeted messaging devices generated a stunning 35.2% increase in overall mobile payment usage, data revealed.

“Based on our study, we believe that when businesses and operators present consumers with the option to pay for items with Apple Pay, the number of mobile payments made and the amount spent, increases,” said Maeve McKenna Duska, senior VP of marketing and sales, USA Technologies.

“The data from this study suggests that call-to-action messages underscoring speed, convenience and security of Apple Pay can act as an electronic gateway for consumers to learn about and use the mobile wallets already installed on their phones,” she added. “Further, unattended markets are continuing to drive Apple Pay usage as it offers consumers a simple and convenient way to pay without cash or a credit card.”
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