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Starbucks goes live with Square Wallet mobile payment application


Seattle -- Starbucks Coffee Co. on Thursday started will accepting Square’s mobile payment application, Square Wallet, in approximately 7,000 U.S. Starbucks stores.

The new application, which allows customers to pay at Starbucks and explore nearby businesses, browse menu information, store hours and transaction history on their phone, is in addition to Starbucks own mobile payment applications on iOS and Android.

“Starbucks was the first national retailer to offer its own mobile payment technology combined with a world-class loyalty program in January 2011, and we have seen a tremendous response from our customers with more than 100 million mobile transactions occurring in our U.S. stores since its launch,” said Adam Brotman, Starbucks chief digital officer.

To use the Square Wallet application, customers simply download it to their iOS or Android device to set up an account. Customers tap “pay here” and scan their QR code – similar to the customer experience on the existing Starbucks mobile payment applications. Their digital receipt appears instantly.

“Square Wallet gives people an easy way to pay at Starbucks and neighborhood businesses,” said William Henderson, Square Wallet director. “We’re excited to work with Starbucks to introduce a broad new group of people to the benefits of using Square."

The Starbucks Digital Network in Starbucks stores will feature the Square directory so customers can discover neighborhood businesses near their favorite Starbucks store.

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