SPECS Profile: Kent Swank
What year did you attend your very first SPECS?
Honestly I don’t remember, but I have been attending on and off for 30 years. The last three years, I have served on the SPECS Advisory Board, this year as an Executive Member.
What draws you to the show each year?
The SPECS conference attracts many quality retailers and vendors that we work with throughout the year. Attending gives me the opportunity to network with these retailers and vendors and meet new attendees.
What is typically your greatest takeaway from SPECS?
The relationships that are built each year and meeting new people.
What was your favorite session in recent years?
I am continually looking for ways to save costs, reduce energy or increase revenue. So, I have enjoyed the recent technical sessions, which have reviewed new innovations and value-creation initiatives that actually help retailers reduce first cost and ongoing operating expenses.
Who has been your most memorable keynote speaker?
President George Bush. I enjoyed his sense of humor, intelligent wit and engaging stories of his years in the White House.
Have you made meaningful connections at SPECS?
Yes, in fact many of the partnerships and vendors we use today came from introductions and networking at SPECS many years ago.
What changes have you seen in recent years at SPECS?
Aligned with the fact that retailers have experienced more pressure on internal rates of return (IRR) and reducing cost, we are seeing more participants at SPECS with financial backgrounds in addition to the technical attendees. They are interested in learning how to improve their financial returns, reduce energy and lower costs. This evolution is clearly the way the industry is moving with stores at the center of an interconnected retail model.
Have you received actionable information at the show?
Yes, the vendor exhibits allow us the opportunity to meet with architects, contractors, vendors and suppliers to exchange technical and financial information for consideration.
Do you use the networking opportunities?
Yes, as the networking and face-to-face meetings give us the opportunity to go below the surface and get to know people better and the products and services they offer.
To learn more about SPECS and why you should join Kent at the 2016 event, March 13-15, visit specsshow.com.