Neiman Marcus is expanding its 3-D app called Snap. Find. Shop. to include all categories within the store.
The state of the art visual search technology allows the NM app users to simply snap an image of any women’s and men’s fashion and accessories, beauty, children’s and home items and instantly be provided with all close matching products currently available from First to market in the luxury sector, Neiman Marcus offers users visual search from both real-life items and printed images – with no need for cropping, category definition, or search refinement. From “snap” to “shop” these items are then purchasable at the exact moment of capture.
"With the expansion of Snap. Find. Shop. to all categories of merchandise, we are able to exceed our customers' expectations and allow them to easily shop with us at any time and from any place." says Wanda Gierhart, CMO, Neiman Marcus Group, "Normally online shopping begins with search - either through key words or navigating filters; visual search removes hurdles, taking the customer directly from inspiration to gratification."
“Neiman Marcus is a highly progressive company and one with whom we enjoy a strong partnership.” says Slyce CEO, Mark Elfenbein. “We’re proud of the value it has seen from the initial roll out of visual search functionality. Customer adoption of the service has been significant and led to the decision to optimize the entire product offering.”