Shoppers prefer mobile devices over store employees, in-store info
ARLINGTON, Va. - More than half (58%) of shoppers who use mobile devices say they prefer to look up information on their devices while shopping, rather than talk to store employees – especially among men and shoppers aged 25-44 - according to a new by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). Additionally, 62% of mobile shoppers indicate they perceive the information they gather via their mobile device as more beneficial than the information available in-store via product displays or sales literature.
The report, “Enchaning the In-Store CE Retail Experience Using Mobile Devices,” finds that mobile shoppers most often use their mobile devices for assistance when shopping for electronics (60%) than any other product type. Following electronics, mobile shoppers most frequently use their devices while shopping in physical retail stores for groceries (55%), apparel (47%), shoes (45%), and health and beauty products (39%).
While shopping specifically for electronics, mobile shoppers use their devices to compare prices (63%), read customer ratings or reviews (52%) and search the Internet for more information (51%).
Mobile shoppers indicated they are concerned about privacy (61∞) and security (58∞) when using their devices while shopping in the store.
At the same time, they see the benefit of having a relationship with retailers as 81 percent of mobile shoppers indicate they would be willing to share some form of personal data with retailers in exchange for benefits in return. Current GPS location information (48%) is the most common type of data mobile shoppers are willing to share, followed by user profile information (46%) and personal contact information (40%).
Consumer use of mobile devices to compare products and prices and find deals from retailers will be more important than ever during the 2014 holiday weekend. According to CEA’s 21st Annual CE Holiday Purchase Patterns Study, two-thirds (67 percent) of consumers who plan to spend money on tech this holiday season are likely to use a mobile device to help them shop. Interestingly, those likely to use mobile devices to help them shop for tech products plan to spend more money on electronics this holiday season.