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Save-A-Lot opens DC in North Carolina


St. Louis -- Grocer Save-A-Lot, a subsidiary of SuperValu, said Tuesday it will open a 330,000-sq.-ft. distribution center in Lexington, N.C., on Nov. 30.

The $24 million project is designed to support Save-A-Lot’s growth in region.

The new DC will employ 35 employees initially and is a collaboration with the state of North Carolina and its One North Carolina Fund, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Davidson County and the City of Lexington.

Save-A-Lot operates nearly 1,300 stores in 39 states and has identified plans to expand the number to 2,400 in the coming years. Currently, there are nearly 30 Save-A-Lot stores in North Carolina, including one in Lexington. The company plans to open an additional three stores in the state by March 2012. The new distribution center will help support the company’s growth plans in North Carolina and surrounding states, which the company has identified as a key region for its growth. Initially, it will service more than 70 stores within a 150-mile radius.

The new distribution center features the latest in green, energy-saving technologies, including lights that only operate when a person is present and an HVAC system with smart thermostats.

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