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Proximity to Walmart good for home values, bad for waistlines


Last week a study showed living near Walmart was good for property values while this week we learn that it will also make you fat.

At least that’s according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that explored the correlation between access to retail stores, low prices and obesity rates. The study, “Obesity and Supermarket Access: Proximity or Price?” concluded that obesity prevalence among shoppers in higher-price supermarkets was 9%, or less than half of the 20.5% rate evident in the King County, Washington area where the research was conducted. However, obesity prevalence among shoppers in lower-price or discount supermarkets was 27%. Physical distance to the supermarket had no impact on obesity rates, researchers noted in a study that concluded food costs were more important than convenience.

Retailing Today sister publication Drug Store News has more details on the research, click here.

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