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Pep Boys elects board names new chairman


PHILADELPHIA The Pep Boys – Manny, Moe & Jack announced that at its annual meeting shareholders elected the full board of directors consisting of incumbent Directors Shan Atkins, Bob Hotz, Jim Mitarotonda, Mike Odell, Irv Reid, Jane Scaccetti, John Sweetwood, Nick White and Jim Williams, plus new nominee Max Lukens.

Immediately following the annual meeting, the board of directors appointed Lukens chairman of the board. Mr. Lukens previously served on Pep Boys’ board of directors from August 2006 until October 2007, when he resigned for personal reasons.


Outgoing chairman James Mitarotonda, who continues his service as a director, commented, “We are excited by the opportunity to have Max rejoin and lead the board. He understands Pep Boys’ business and its opportunities and is a significant shareholder. His experience running companies and chairing boards will upgrade our board capabilities and will assist the board in operating more effectively to appropriately support and challenge our senior management team as we pursue our strategic objectives.”

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