Organized Autos
Driving the kids to school isn’t the simple chore it used to be, as devices and distractions conspire to create clutter in automotive interiors. Despite the many nooks and crannies designers build into minivans and SUVs, items such as cell phones, sunglasses, mp3 players, CDs and DVDs quickly get strewn about the vehicle.
Hard plastic organizing products have been around a long time, but were generally found in auto parts stores or automotive departments of discount retailers. Now, thanks to a new twist on a familiar product, some unlikely retailers are finding sales success with products such as those offered by Case Logic.
Around since 1984, the company bills itself as the market leader in accessories that help organize and simplify people’s lives. Recently, it has experienced success with soft-side, multicompartment organizers sold through a diverse collection of retailers including Office Depot, Sears, FedEx Kinko’s and Bed Bath & Beyond. One of Case Logic’s best-selling auto organizers (pictured), retails for $9.99.