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Online retailer LeanBox brings health to the office with Surface Pro 3


Boston – Start-up retailer LeanBox is offering a novel, high-tech solution to the problem of office workers who are too busy to go out and purchase healthy food for lunch.

LeanBox places remote high-tech refrigerators in office locations of its clients. The refrigerators feature a custom-mounted Surface Pro 3 terminal. Customers use a mobile app or a credit or debit card to unlock the fridge, and then pick from a variety of healthy fresh food options. Once they make a selection, customers can scan a barcode to complete the transaction.

The Surface Pro 3 also gathers one-to-five-star product ratings for each product and manages a complex voting system to constantly refresh and customize employee choices.

“LeanBox is the first company to offer perishable products to unattended client sites, so we had to become much more than a food service,” Becky Cowie, manager of customer happiness, LeanBox. “Quickly, we became a technology company, and that’s where Surface has really helped us grow our business.”

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