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The one report every Walmart supplier should read


Suppliers to Walmart are always looking for ways to align themselves with the retailer and develop strategies that drive sales. Nothing could be more instructive on that front than 2015 version of a Global Responsibility Report, which reveals the company’s extensive social and environmental commitments and accomplishments.

The eighth annual edition of the document was released this week in conjunction with other material related to the company June 5 shareholders meeting.

GRR reports are common among major corporations, but the reason the document is must-reading for suppliers to the company is that it outlines social and environmental priorities aimed at creating economic opportunity for employees and others in the retail industry more broadly; enhancing the sustainability of Walmart’s operations and product supply chain; and strengthening communities in the places Walmart operates.Failing to understand such major directional issues and accomplishment is a huge miss for any supplier looking to achieve success with the world’s largest retailer.

Every day, Walmart brings affordable products and services to 260 million customers in 27 countries around the world. As the world’s largest retailer, we have committed to use our strengths to help others, by addressing social and environmental issues in collaboration with customers, suppliers, governments, non-profits, and other stakeholders,” said Kathleen McLaughlin, president of the Walmart Foundation and senior vice president of corporate affairs at Walmart.

We believe business exists to serve society. Our commitment to global responsibility goes beyond philanthropy – it is a whole company undertaking that is woven into our day-to-day business activities, creating value for business and society.”

The document is accessible by clicking here.

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