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NRF: The nation’s labor secretary must ‘put the American economy ahead of partisan politics’


The National Retail Federation has high expectations for the nation’s next secretary of labor.

On the heels of Alexander Acosta’s nomination to head the federal Department of Labor on Thursday, Feb. 16, the retail trade association’s senior VP for government relations David French released the following statement:

“The secretary of labor plays an important role in many issues affecting the nation’s economy, so we hope to see this position filled as soon as possible with someone who will put the American economy ahead of partisan politics.

“The previous labor department saw itself as a promoter of the labor agenda and union membership rather than the impartial arbiter of labor management issues that it is supposed to be. Sweeping actions on federal overtime rules, joint employer relationships and other issues created im-mense uncertainty for employers and stifled economic growth.

“Whoever takes the helm of the Labor Department needs to restore bal-ance to the system and ensure that the concerns of employees and em-ployers are given equal weight. The days of taking sides – on either side – need to come to an end.”

President Donald Trump announced Acosta as his new pick to head the Department of Labor on Thursday, Feb. 16, less than a day after his first choice for the job, the head of CKE Restaurants Andy Puzder, withdrew from consideration.

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