NPD: Home product shoppers get greener with age
Port Washington Shoppers get greener as the get older, at least when it comes to shopping for home products, according to a new report from The NPD Group.
The report found that while a majority of consumers surveyed (64%) said they felt it is important to purchase environmentally-friendly products for their homes, this number was higher amongst older survey participants. The NPD found that 82% of those surveyed aged 55 and up rated eco-friendly as an important factor when purchasing home insulation, compared with 63% for those aged 18 to 34. Similarly, most in the oldest age group surveyed (79%) said they look to purchase eco-friendly home appliances, compared with 62% in the youngest group surveyed.
“The information in the report is somewhat contrary to the belief that it’s the younger generation who is more concerned about going ‘green.’ It may be that the older generation is now looking to leave the planet in better shape for their children and grandchildren,” said Mark Delaney, director of home improvement.