NPD: Entertainment spending to hold steady or increase
PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. According to a new study from The NPD Group, most consumers plan to hold steady or increase their entertainment spending in 2009.
According to the NPD report, 75% of consumers surveyed said they will spend the same amount or more on digital music downloads as they did in 2008. Sixty-five percent will spend the same or more on video games, and sixty percent will spend the same or more on CDs. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of consumers expect to spend the same amount or more on theatrical movies; and based on comparison to last year’s statistics, the theatrical movie category appears to be in the best position for growth, as only 66% of survey respondents said they would spend the same or more last year.
“Even in the face of a down economy, entertainment remains a popular spending category,” said Russ Crupnick, entertainment industry analyst for NPD. “Most consumers say they’ll continue to purchase at least the same amount of many entertainment categories in the coming year.”
NPD reported 51% of consumers surveyed purchased a DVD or Blu-Ray disc in the prior three months. Purchasing a console or portable video game ranked second at 36%, followed by purchasing a CD at 31%.
According to “Entertainment Trends in America,” current per capita spending on entertainment in the U.S. is $160 per month, with the bulk of that spending going to dedicated subscriptions mostly related to TV and Internet access. Despite predictions that consumers would trim entertainment subscriptions, the only notable decline in spending NPD observed were for magazines and newspapers.