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National Retail Federation spent $460K lobbying


New York City The National Retail Federation spent $460,000 in the fourth quarter to lobby on a variety of issues, from apparel tariffs to consumer product safety.

One of the most high-profile issues that the group watched closely was the Credit Card act, meant to give credit-card users more information and limit policies that consumer rights groups consider abusive.

The trade group, whose members include J.C. Penney, Best Buy Co. and Macy's, also lobbied the federal government on legislation involving health care, design piracy and organized crime, according to a form filed Jan. 25 with the House clerk's office.

The bulk of the law -- which focuses on "credit-card accountability, responsibility and disclosure" -- kicked in last month. Another hot button is healthcare reform. NRF is against a federal mandate for employer-funded health insurance.

During the period from October to December, the federation lobbied Congress, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Trade Representative, the departments of Commerce, Transportation, Homeland Security, Treasury and State, U.S. International Trade Commission and other agencies, according to the report.

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