Jos. A. Banks hopes to better connect with its shoppers during online searches by “speaking their language.”
In its quest to create a more inspiring online experience, especially one that could would make product searches more consistent and relevant, Jos. A. Banks is taking steps to improve its product descriptions. The retailer began this journey by adding the Edgecase Product Intelligence Platform, a solution that helped create more than 60,000 new product values, or attributes, to define online merchandise.
Armed with more accurately tagged merchandise, the platform can normalize search and navigation language, making product easier to curate. The solution also helped the chain deliver consistent and structured product data, which enables customers to more easily find the right product using search terms that are more familiar to them, the company said.
“Prior to working with Edgecase, not all products on the Jos. A. Bank site were tagged with all the right product attributes,” said Samantha Lee, VP of site management and customer experience, Tailored Brands.
“Edgecase not only cleaned up those attributes, but added more relevant ones to better help our customers find the right products. Furthermore, this platform has saved us significant hours in product curation time,” she said. “The Edgecase team exceeded our expectations with their work on the Men’s Wearhouse site experience, so it was an easy decision to utilize the platform for Jos. A. Bank to ensure consistency in product attribution across the company.”
The retailer added product enrichment for nearly 8,000 products across the Jos. A. Bank site in a brief 30 days – a feat that would have required 11 full time resources if attempted without Edgecase technology, the retailer reported.
From there, the company expanded to 43 total product attributes across the Jos. A. Bank site. This was a 617% increase, beyond the same six attributes per category per page — including fit, size, color, material, collections. And the service continually feeds 7,500 new product values per month, Jos. A. Banks added.