Meijer readies digital coupon promotion
Grand Rapids, Mich. — Meijer is offering a 20% coupon on Monday, Dec. 1, which it is calling “Digital Monday,” through its mPerks digital loyalty program. The mPerks Monday promotion includes a 20% coupon through mPerks that can be used on one electronics, apparel or general merchandise item.
Meijer credit card customers who have a 15% reward coupon can use it in addition to the mPerks Monday. The coupon will be available for mPerks subscribers to clip Nov. 30 through Dec. 1 and will only be available for use on Dec. 1.
Beginning this week, mPerks will offer dozens of different promotions through the holiday season, saving mPerks subscribers up to 15% more than shoppers who have not signed up for the free program.
Meijer is focusing on more savings through mPerks in the absence of Unlike 2013, Meijer does not have product offerings available through this holiday season. The site has been going through a transition period the last several months as the company prepares to relaunch its website to better complement the offerings inside its stores. The new will feature thousands of products that are available in stores, as well as a variety of tools to help make it easier for customers to take advantage of everything the stores have to offer while saving money.