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Martha Stewart Living seeks to appeal court ruling in Macy’s favor


New York -- Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. filed a notice of appeal in a lawsuit by Macy's Inc. in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan, Bloomberg reported.

Macy’s sued Martha Stewart Living in January to stop the company from executing a sales agreement that it announced in December with J.C. Penney Company. Macy’s said it had the exclusive right to sell Martha Stewart-branded products in certain categories.

Last Month, a judge in Manhattan granted Macy’s a preliminary injunction blocking Martha Stewart Living from taking any further steps under its deal with J.C. Penney.

Martha Stewart Living is seeking reversal “on the grounds that the Supreme Court granted plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction based on an erroneous interpretation” of the pact with Macy’s Merchandising Group and “an incorrect application of the legal standards for a preliminary injunction,” according to a court filing dated Friday, Bloomberg reported.

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