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Macy's offering recyclable gift cards


SOLON, Ohio — Macy's is partnering with Earthworks System LLC, a provider of 100% recycled PVC sheets for the plastic card industry and plastic card recycling programs, to provide its customers with a recyclable gift card program for the retailer’s customers.

The Earthworks System Recyclable identifier will be imprinted on Macy’s gift cards to indicate it is made of Earthworks System approved recyclable material, the company reported. Macy’s department store locations will collect spent gift cards for their return to Earthworks System where they will be reprocessed into printable sheet and re-sold to printers to make new cards.

“The Earthworks System for plastic card recycling complements Macy’s sustainable business philosophy,” said Rodd Gilbert, president of Earthworks System. “Our partnership will provide Macy’s and its customers an environmental solution for the significant number of plastic cards it distributes every year.”

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