Luxury home furnishings retailer does Vegas
Restoration Hardware has brought its vision of luxe home living to Las Vegas. The upscale home furnishings retailer opened a four level, 60,000-sq.-ft. store, at Tivoli Village, that includes an entire floor dedicated to its new RH Modern concept, complete with an integrated contemporary art gallery.
“Our vision with RH Las Vegas is to reimagine the retail experience by blurring the lines between residential and retail, indoors and outdoors, physical and digital – creating an environment that is more home than store,” said RH chairman & CEO Gary Friedman.
Other features include an interactive “design atelier,” a professional workspace that allows customers, designers, and architects to conceptualize and customize home settings. The 4,000-sq.-ft. space is anchored by four, 10-foot custom tables and offers access to RH’s library of fabrics, leathers, and furniture and lighting finishes – providing s high level of design services.
“With the introduction of RH Interior Design, we have now moved the brand beyond creating and selling product to conceptualizing and selling spaces,” said Friedman.
RH Las Vegas marks Friedman’s ongoing collaboration with design architect James Gillam of Backen, Gillam & Kroeger, a firm recognized as one of Architectural Digest’s Top 100 architect and design firms in the world.
RH Las Vegas features a charcoal-grey Venetian plaster exterior with an expanse of glass-and-steel French doors that open onto a streetscape defined by towering silver date palms and garden walls lush with fig ivy. As night falls, the building is transformed through dramatic illumination, highlighting its architectural details and landscaping.
The new RH is topped with a 16,000-sq. ft. rooftop park and conservatory. The space features a beautiful center trellis, billowing shade canopies, glimmering chandeliers, trickling fountains, sculptural evergreens and fragrant lavender that enhance the display of the latest RH Outdoor furnishings.