Kmart ‘rewards’ customers this flu season
Kmart has found a way to encourage shoppers to get their flu shots.
Through April 30, 2019, Kmart Pharmacy is offering free flu shots, including the Fluzone High-Dose influenza vaccine. (The cash price of a flu shot starts at $35.99.) The retailer is also offering Shop Your Way (SYW) benefits to members who get vaccinated.
Members will receive $5 Cashback in SYW points when they get a flu shot at a Kmart Pharmacy in the United States or Puerto Rico. (No copayment is due unless required by the customer’s health plan). Pharmacy Rewards members also earn $5 in SYW points for every five qualifying prescriptions filled at Kmart. Immunizations and pet prescriptions count toward these rewards.
Once awarded, points are eligible for use in the next transaction. Points, which can only be used on non-pharmacy merchandise, are valid for 30 days, according to Kmart.
Through April 30, 2019, Kmart Pharmacy is offering free flu shots, including the Fluzone High-Dose influenza vaccine. (The cash price of a flu shot starts at $35.99.) The retailer is also offering Shop Your Way (SYW) benefits to members who get vaccinated.
Members will receive $5 Cashback in SYW points when they get a flu shot at a Kmart Pharmacy in the United States or Puerto Rico. (No copayment is due unless required by the customer’s health plan). Pharmacy Rewards members also earn $5 in SYW points for every five qualifying prescriptions filled at Kmart. Immunizations and pet prescriptions count toward these rewards.
Once awarded, points are eligible for use in the next transaction. Points, which can only be used on non-pharmacy merchandise, are valid for 30 days, according to Kmart.