Children have far more influence on household purchases than you might realize. In a recent study conducted by New York City-based Experian Research Services, called “The Experian Simmons Kids Study,” children who persistently clamor are frequently rewarded with a subsequent purchase by the parents.
“We have all seen that familiar sight of mom or dad walking down the grocery aisle with a child or two hanging in and out of the cart clamoring for that certain item,” said Chris Wilson, president of Experian Research Services. “Not only do we now know how successful those persistent children can be, but with our latest Kids Study, we learn more about what captures our kids’ interests and attention.”
According to the report:
36% of parents with children between the ages of 6 and 11 in the household admit that their children can significantly influence their purchasing decisions; and
Another 25% of those same parents said it was difficult to resist their kids’ requests for non-essential items.
The study also revealed just how technologically savvy young kids are these days. It shows:
40% of MP3/Digital Media Player owners report owning Apple’s iPod;
975,000 have visited or used in the last month;
2,376,000 have downloaded music online in the last month;
1,367,000 have blogged (written or read) in the last month;
54% have a television and 26% have a stereo in their room; and
19% have a computer in their room.