K&G Fashion Superstore selects loss prevention, security solution
Atlanta K&G Fashion Superstore, a subsidiary of The Men’s Wearhouse in the United States and an affiliate of Moore’s Clothing for Men in Canada, has selected ADT Security Services to provide loss prevention and security solutions for all of its 107 stores nationwide.
The retailer is replacing existing anti-theft systems with ADT’s Sensormatic anti-theft solutions to help protect merchandise and limit losses due to shoplifting and theft.
K&G Fashion Superstore will install ADT’s Sensormatic Ultra Max EAS anti-theft pedestals at store exits and will use the system’s anti-theft tags and labels on merchandise and products throughout the stores. The retailer will also benefit from ADT’s industry-leading Sensormatic source-tagging program, where anti-theft tags are put on merchandise at the point of manufacture.
The move to the new system was prompted by K&G’s desire to continue to better serve its customers with higher quality brands at discounted prices, according to Frank Serra, director of loss prevention.
“It is important for us to provide our customers with quality merchandise, value for their dollar and a first-rate shopping experience,” said Serra. “To do that we need to use the best technology solutions available to protect our products while allowing them to be openly displayed and available for purchase at the lowest possible price.”
At selected K&G stores, cameras and digital recorders will be integrated into the solution. Some stores will also include public view monitors -- video screens placed in key locations that are a visual reminder to potential retail criminals they are being monitored.