Keurig Store to open in time for holiday season
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters plans to open its first Keurig Store this November in the Burlington Mall in Burlington, Mass.
Keurig Store shoppers will be able to test Keurig brewers and beverages from Keurig K-Cup, Keurig Vue and Keurig Rivo systems. In addition to providing the full line of Keurig brewers, the Keurig Store will offer on-site demonstrations, special promotions, new product offerings and unique Keurig accessories.
The new store will also feature a “Pick-a-Pack” wall where shoppers will be able to build their own boxes of individually selected Keurig Brewed beverages. The “Pick-a-Pack” wall will make it possible for consumers to purchase a variety of beverages to brew at home without committing to a full box of one flavor. Available in 3-count, 6-count or 12-count boxes, shoppers can mix-and-match their Keurig Brewed K-Cup or Vue packs to fulfill all their flavor cravings. The wall is equipped with an interactive tool that will make beverage recommendations from the nearly 200 varieties of high quality Keurig Brewed coffees, teas, hot cocoas, specialty and Brew Over Ice beverages, encouraging shoppers to explore and discover new brands and varieties. If shoppers already have go-to beverages they enjoy daily, boxes of their favorite Keurig Brewed coffees, teas, and more will also be available for purchase.
“The Keurig Store is just one example of our commitment to making Keurig products as accessible as possible and building lasting direct engagement with consumers,” says Mark Wood, GMCR's SVP, U.S. commercial. “We are creating an environment that allows us to introduce consumers to the enormous variety of Keurig and Keurig Brewed beverages and encourages them to immerse themselves fully in the brand. Consumer experiences at the Keurig Store will also arm us with new, direct consumer feedback that can guide our marketing and merchandising choices with our retail partners, as well as our continuous product innovation cycle.”
Based within a mile of GMCR’s major research and development centers, the Keurig Store will be located 14 miles north of Boston in the Burlington Mall.