Industry groups urge retailers to get ready for retirement of coupon barcodes
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Joint Industry Coupon Committee on Thursday urged retailers to prepare for the retirement of UPC Prefix 5 barcodes from manufacturer coupons. These symbols will no longer be used after June 30, 2015, as manufacturers shift to exclusive use of the GS1 DataBar format for coupons.
The GS1 DataBar format will reduce incidence of intentional coupon fraud and unintentional coupon mis-redemption, the Committee noted. Other benefits include an automatic coupon expiration date check and a reduction in cashier intervention with complex offers placed within the code.
Most existing retail scanning systems are capable of reading the GS1 DataBar, the JICC advised. To ensure readiness, retailers may need to enable the functionality in their systems. In some instances, software and/or hardware modifications may be required. To avoid a disadvantaged position in the marketplace after June 30, retailers are encouraged to implement and activate these technologies as soon as possible.
The decision to move to exclusive use of the GS1 DataBar was announced in 2007, with the phase out period for UPC Prefix 5 barcodes beginning in 2011 and concluding June 30, 2015.
The JICC works to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the development, distribution and redemption of coupons. It is comprised of retailer and manufacturer executives who oversee coupon programs, and is administered by the Food Marketing Institute, Grocery Manufacturers Association, National Association of Chain Drug Stores and National Grocers Association.