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ICSC launches website for sales tax fairness


Washington, D.C. -- The International Council of Shopping Centers announced Tuesday the launch of a new website devoted to sales tax fairness and how the current sales tax system is unable to support the 21st Century retail marketplace.

The site,, will be continuously updated to provide the public, stakeholders, the media and lawmakers with information on the online sales tax loophole and resources to help level the playing field for all retailers, according to ICSC.

“Online retailers have been given a free pass for far too long at the expense of their brick-and-mortar counterparts," said Betsy Laird, ICSC senior VP of global public policy. "ICSC is among the many voices calling on Congress to close the online sales tax loophole.”

ICSC has promoted sales tax fairness for over a decade, advocating that a "sale is a sale" regardless of whether the purchase takes place on Main Street, at shopping centers, via mail-order or over the Internet.

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