Headline risk is back at Walmart
Never ones to let a good disaster go to waste, anti-Walmart forces have alerted the media to an event being held outside Walmart’s Washington, DC office.
Walmart has taken a lot of heat since last month when it was learned that a factory in Bangladesh where 112 people died in fire was being used by a Walmart supplier. Even though the facility was not on Walmart’s list of approved facilities, the incident renewed sentiment that Walmart’s quest for low prices causes its suppliers to cut corners.
"Walmart has blood on its hands, and the only way it can avoid future tragedies like the Tazreen fire is to implement a serious and independent safety monitoring program in its factories abroad" said SumOfUs executive director Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman.
The event is scheduled to take place today at noon as being billed as part of a global day of action that will involve an organization called SumOfUs.org and other organizations delivering petitions with over 215,000 signatures to Walmart’s office. Demonstrators said they plan to read a statement by a Bangladeshi labor activist and the names of the people killed in the Tazreen fire followed by a procession through Chinatown in honor of the victims.